I blog because I hope in sharing my experiences, I can learn and improve myself. This is cathartic and helps me relate to the world around me.
At the same time, all of the content in Barbie In Arabia is copyrighted. This includes photos that I have taken and, yes, (unless I have otherwise stated/attributed that they were taken by someone else), the photos were taken by me. In the few instances of using other photos, I have credited them with the link/location.
I'm still a novice at this but what I’ve read suggests these main headlines in terms of copyright and fair use.
Photography - Please do not copy my photos. They are fully copyrighted and I reserve all rights in their use.
Attribution – If you summarize one of my posts or quote one of my posts, you must provide the name of the original post and make it clear that you got the content from Barbie In Arabia.
Link Back – You must also link back to the article, not the home page, from which you derived the excerpt.
Noncommercial Use – You must not use this content or sell it for commercial purposes without requesting permission in advance.
No Derivative Works -You must not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
In short, I endeavor to respect copyright and ask that you do the same for me.
Thank you! ~BIA